Instant Pot Black Beans

As have many other cooks, I've discovered the wonders of cooking beans in my Instant Pot.  It transforms dry (unsoaked) beans into a delectable dinner in about an hour.  I like black beans, but this cooking method works for any kind you like--pintos, white beans, kidney beans, etc.

I cook a pot of beans, use what I want for a few days, and freeze the rest for future meals.  Easy peasy.  And so much healthier and cheaper than using canned beans.

If you buy your dry beans by the pound bag, use one bag.  I buy them in bulk, so use about two to three cups for this recipe.

Look through the dried black beans to make sure there are no rocks lurking among them, then put them into the cooking pan of your Instant Pot.  Cover with 6 to 8 cups of water, or vegetable broth to a depth of about three inches.  Extra water just means more delicious bean broth at the end.

Add 1 bay leaf and 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and sliced in quarters, (or use 2 teaspoons of powdered garlic), and some black pepper (I use three or four twists of my pepper mill) to the water.  Many cooks add a quartered onion to the pot, as well, but my husband can't digest them, so I leave the onion out.

Put on the lid and tighten it, make sure that the pressure vent is turned to seal.  Set the pressure to "high" and the cook time to 38 minutes.

It will take 20 minutes or so to reach the pressure level to start cooking.  When finished, either allow the pot to release the pressure slowly or follow the directions for quick release.  Test the beans, if they aren't tender enough, reseal the pot and cook for another 5 minutes.  This will be pretty quick as the pot is already warmed up.

Remove the bay leaf, garlic and onion pieces, and season the beans with salt, to taste.  Serve in bowls with juice.

While the beans are cooking, I prepare a variety of toppings, put them in small bowls, and set them on the table so that people can add their own preferred toppings.  Suggestions for toppings (all chopped):  red or green onions, tomatoes, avocado, jalapenos, and cilantro.  I also set out slices of lime, shredded cheese, and plain yogurt.

I love basic beans served with cornbread and a green salad.

You can use some of the beans to make chili or other dishes.  Freeze whatever it don't use (cooled), along with some juice, in zip bags or other freezer-safe sealed containers.


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